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 The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مــؤسس المــوقع
نديم الحب

::::[بيـانـات العضـو]::: :
The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan Y2zhx101 / 1001 / 100The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan Y2zhx10

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المزاج : The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan D2ea2811
The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan Mms-4911
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The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan   The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan I_icon_minitimeالإثنين يوليو 25, 2011 2:39 am

The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan
be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon His
Messenger of the Secretary, and his family and companions, and those who
followed them in truth until the Day of Judgement, then:

should be noted that the issue of "difference in moon sighting" is like
any other doctrinal issues that conflict with leaders of science, past
and present, and the dispute which does not hurt, said Sheikh Mohammed
bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh, "and the sex of this difference is essential
in matters Alfruaah does not matter" 1 .

fact, in this issue several statements of the scholars, but the most
famous of these sayings are two opinions Nzlma Mokhtbarn with their

I say: if he saw the
people of the country of new moon of Ramadan; necessary, other countries
of the world of work by this vision, and quoted evidence:

1. Which
said - meaning - you saw {it} then let him fast the month 2, and the
significance: that God commented sight the moon of Ramadan fasting,
without regard to each country to see his family.

2. It
is the evidence saying - peace be upon him -: ((Fast when you see it
and stop fasting when you see it)) 3, as well as an interview: ((Do not
fast until you see the crescent, not Taftroa until you see it)) 4 said:
discourse here for the general of the nation not to people of ad hoc.

3. And
also quoted the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar - may Allah be pleased with them: -
"Tri-Crescent people, I told the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him
- I saw him; schizophrenia, and ordered people to fast" 5.

4. And
the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, which says the Prophet - peace be upon him
-: ((fasting day when you fast, and mushrooms on when you break ...)) 6
They said: The people of countries working some news of some, and his
testimony in all legal provisions, and the vision of the sentence.

5. They
quoted as evidence that the month of Ramadan, between parentheses, have
been shown to this day than in all other provisions of the debt, and
the incidence of divorce, manumission, and the necessity of vows, and
other provisions, as well as the testimony of fasting to be proven

6. As
well as measured on a remote country near the country's vision; as there
is no difference between them, control and discrimination is not based
on evidence.

7. This view was closest to unite the Muslims, and the meeting of their word, but this is the reserve of worship.

These are some of the evidence quoted, and there is other evidence quoted by the proponents of this view.

The second view is that all the people in the country of their vision; and quoted on this view, several things:

1. Which
are quoted as evidence by the people of the first doctrine - a saying -
the Almighty - the one of you {month} then let him fast, and did not
see the crescent has not seen a month.

2. As
well as evidence from the hadeeth: ((Do not fast until you see it)),
and an interview: ((Fast when you see it)), and so of the conversations,
which were suspended fasting vision and showed that it did not see the
crescent, he does not fast.

3. As
well as a modern crepe: that the mother of the credit of his mission to
Muawiya Levant, said muscle: the Levant, I spent the need and started
the Ramadan and I am Levant; I saw the crescent on Friday night, then
made a city in the last month, he asked me Abdullah bin Abbas, then he
mentioned Crescent, said: When you see the moon? I said, we saw on Friday night, he said: You saw him? I
said: Yes, and people saw and fasted, and fasted Muawiyah, he said, we
saw Saturday night, we continue to fast until we complete thirty or see
him, I said, not only to see Sid and his fast? He said: not so commanded Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him-7.

4. And they say that it claimed the unit in each country, and not to increase the difference and division.

5. They
said further that: to say the Federation of moon sighting, and unite
the vision; violates reasonable; for science and proven necessarily
different times, and because Islam mandated obligatory to fast the birth
month of Ramadan and the start of the month varies according to country
and spacing, which requires a different rule begin fasting depending on
the different countries.

point is that to say the first - if possible, work it - closer to unite
the Muslims, but it also said Sheikh Al-Albani - may God have mercy on
him - "and to meet the Islamic countries that I see the people of each
State to fast with the state, not divided on himself he must fast one with
it, and with each other, made in the fast or delayed, because that
expand the circle of the dispute in one people, as happened in some Arab
countries a few years ago, and God used "8, and this gives an advisory
opinion of the Standing Committee issued a fatwa to her:" Because of the
considerations She saw the body and its
ability, given that the difference in this matter does not have the
effects of fear consequences; have passed since the appearance of this
religion fourteen centuries do not know where the time was the
unification of the Islamic nation to see one; the members of the Council
of Senior Scholars believe the survival of the matter is as it
was, and not to raise this issue, and each Muslim country the right to
choose what you see by scientists from the two views, referred to in the
matter, because each view evidence and documents "9.

Ibn 'Uthaymeen - Almighty God's mercy: - "The work of the people today
that, if proven at the guardian; necessary, all from under his mandate
to commit themselves to fast or fungus, and this in social terms is a
strong, even if rectified second opinion, which govern the different must be on the moon sighting of the opinion that the matter is based on moon sighting not appear in contrast to the people. "10

ask Allah - the Almighty - to bless this nation with autism and the
Coalition on the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger - peace
be upon him -, God, help us to obedience, and next to us sin, and
blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and

1 Fataawa al-Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim (4 / 156).

2 Al-Baqarah (185).

3 Narrated by Bukhaari (1776) and Muslim (1809).

Narrated Alychari 4 (1773) and Muslim (1795).

5 Narrated by Abu Dawood (1995), which is in Saheeh Abi Dawood, a number of Albany (2028).

6 Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1995), which is in Saheeh Abi Dawood, of Albany (2028).

7 Reported by Muslim (1819).

8 Tamaam p. (398).

9, No. Fatwa (3686) (10/103) of the collection Daweesh.

10 Sharh al (6 / 322).

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المنتديات للبيعThe rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan 1f609
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The rule as evidence of differences in sighting of Ramadan
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