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مَُشَارِكآتي : 2460
ألعمــُـر : 35
نَقَّاطَيّ : 2913
سَمِعَتيََ : 13
ألقــسم ألمفــُضل : مواضيع Rss
دولـتـي : اليمن
جـنســي : ذكر
العمل : طالب
الهواية : السباحه
المزاج : Message to each person quickly enter a non-Muslim 326c7a12
لا اله الا الله

There is no God but Allah
Islam is a religion of peace
Islam rejects terrorism and violence
Islam is a religion of my life
استغفر الله العظيم
سبحان الله وبحمدة
سبحان الله العظيم
لا اله الا الله

معلومات واضافات
Groups forum Nadim Love:

Message to each person quickly enter a non-Muslim Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Message to each person quickly enter a non-Muslim   Message to each person quickly enter a non-Muslim Emptyالجمعة مارس 25, 2011 12:29 pm

Advocacy message to the call of Christ and
Christians and Jews to Islam

Prophet, Muhammad, peace, God, he, him, Islam, Muslim, religion,
religion, location, what, how, to, from, click Use, explain, Arabic,
English, how, methods, where, when, terrorism, what, entry, a Christian,
the subject of

Hi To each person

name is
ali almordy ,
I am from (

I’ve seen many places of the
world on TV screen and few that I’ve visited either for fun or/and business

As you know when we travel we
meet a lot of different cultures and people,

I found in many places I’ve
been to; that people stereotyped Islam (that's my religion) they prejudge
Muslims from what they see in media incidents.

Allow me to share with you here
some information about Jesus Christ,

Muslims believe in Jesus Christ
(peace and blessings of (Allah = God) be upon Him as one of the mightiest
messengers from (Allah=God),

We believe he is born
miraculously by the word of Allah without Father

Like ADAM Been created without
father nor mother,

And Marry (mar yam) is his
mother the pious, pure female may Allah be pleased with her,

In fact there is a chapter in
Quraan titled Marry

Let me quote here these



And this Verse About Jesus:


If this is a Quiz asking you
where these Divine verses come from the Bible Torah or elsewhere?

THE Answer for your
information it is from Quraan 3:45,46

This shows how much we need to
know about what others believe.

You may visit this link
below it’ll give you broad knowledge of Islam in Questions and Answers
format ,






I am NOT Trying to convert YOU
but isn't it worth it for general

Information to know about what
other believes?

And Allah granted you and me
wisdom, brain, and heart to judge for ourselves?

Needless to say if you have any
comment, question, suggestion I'll be glad to share them with you.

Okay if you found my
introductory bothersome in any way please

Forgive me,

way I hope to hear from you sooner,

نديم ، الحب ، برنامج ، تحميل ، دليل ، مسلسل ، انشوده ، جديد ، كامل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» تاشيرات الدخول الى اليمن Visas to enter Yemen
» HOW TO BECOME A MUSLIM كيف تصبح مسلما
» Advocacy message to the call of Christ and Christians and Jews to Islam
» Download Fortress of the Muslim for Android

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