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::::[بيـانـات العضـو]::: : مَُشَارِكآتي : 15151 ألعمــُـر : 36 نَقَّاطَيّ : 19321 سَمِعَتيََ : 143 ألقــسم ألمفــُضل : الاسلامي دولـتـي : جـنســي : العمل : الهواية : المزاج : المنتدى للبيع :
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معلومات واضافات Groups forum Nadim Love:
| موضوع: اقوى لعبه حرب التي تجمع بين Rainbow six و لعبة كوماندوز Hidden & Dangerous كامله مع الشرح بحجم 268 ميجا الأحد سبتمبر 05, 2010 4:56 pm | |
| اقوى لعبه حرب التي تجمع بين Rainbow six و لعبة كوماندوز ::Hidden & Dangerous :: بحجم 268 ميجا فقطHidden & Dangerous walks a fine line between realistic shooterslike Rainbow Six and wartime strategy games like Commandos.ReviewGamers have been delighted by realistic squad-based combatgames such as Rainbow Six and Delta Force over the past year.These games have really changed the way people play shooters.Sure, we still love the pure action-oriented types likeHalf-Life, Quake 3, and Unreal, but games like Rainbow Six andDelta Force taught us that bullets do indeed kill and healthpacks aren't quite as plentiful in real life. Hideen & DAngerous is built on the same principles, and walks a fineline between realistic shooters like Rainbow Six and wartimestrategy games like Commandos. The result is an engaging andentertaining strategic shooter that is marred by a few nastybugs and design flaws.Set during World War II, Hidden & Dangerous puts you way behind the front linesin a variety of locations spread across the European continent. You control a fourman element of the Special Air Services (SAS), a super-secret branch of the BritishRoyal Army comprised of well trained agents from all over Europe. Your SASgroup consists of 40 special operatives, some veterans, others rookies that havenever seen combat action. The roster of potential squad members actually remindsme a lot of the cast from Hogan's Heroes, and I swear I sawKinch, LeBeau, and Newkirk in the line-upلعبة Hidden & Dangerous تمت صناعتها اثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية و هىلعبة اكشن استراتيجية تجمع بين لعبتى Rainbow six و لعبة كوماندو تتحكمفيها بأربعة جنود تقودهم و تؤدى العديد من المهامتقييم اللعبة من موقع IGNمتطلبات التشغيلSystem: Pentium-166MMX or equivalentRAM:16 MB RAMCD-ROM: 4X CD-ROMVideo Memory: 2 MB VRAMHard Drive Space: 10 MBMouse: YesSound Board: YesDirectX: DirectX v6.SetupSeedFlyمباشر و سريعCOLOR=SlateGray]http://www.nbanews.us/697379http://www.nbanews.us/697380http://www.nbanews.us/697381[/COLOR]seed-Shareسريعhttp://www.nbanews.us/697382http://www.nbanews.us/697383http://www.nbanews.us/697384storage.tohttp://www.nbanews.us/697385http://www.nbanews.us/697386http://www.nbanews.us/697387NetGullhttp://www.nbanews.us/697420http://www.nbanews.us/697421http://www.nbanews.us/697422FreakSharehttp://www.nbanews.us/697417http://www.nbanews.us/697418http://www.nbanews.us/697419Hotfilehttp://www.nbanews.us/697414http://www.nbanews.us/697415http://www.nbanews.us/697416RapidSharehttp://www.nbanews.us/697394http://www.nbanews.us/697395http://www.nbanews.us/697396ٍ نديم ، الحب ، برنامج ، تحميل ، دليل ، مسلسل ، انشوده ، جديد ، كامل المنتديات للبيع : للتواصل واتساب 967772204567+ | |