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::::[بيـانـات العضـو]::: : مَُشَارِكآتي : 15151 ألعمــُـر : 36 نَقَّاطَيّ : 19321 سَمِعَتيََ : 143 ألقــسم ألمفــُضل : الاسلامي دولـتـي : جـنســي : العمل : الهواية : المزاج : المنتدى للبيع :
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معلومات واضافات Groups forum Nadim Love:
| موضوع: Obstacles in life lasts only with the weak الأحد ديسمبر 09, 2012 9:55 am | |
| In the name of God the Merciful Peace be upon you and God's mercy Obstacles in life lasts only with the weak Do not let despair take place in your life and be an obstacle to the aspirations and take away all your hopes .. Sarah and take your head apart .. To let an impact in your heart .. And completed the march of your life فاليأس .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak. Let sadness take away your heart .. And he was thrown under your steps Or ** t حوآجزه High-rise smile and forget the pain of memories and force your will Would make him weak object to Atather him you Grief .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak. To let the wound .. Prevail and tear heart Atgolh: be the first reason for the large number of Tariqlatk And the second to third low Nvsik and your heart full of hatred أقهر wound بنسيانه and make him a small sign read, you are going your route .. Valjrah .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak. Let isolation .. Quotes and limit diary Fmamn caused him the greatest right that makes you locked your privacy It does not allow him to make you lonely indifferent all around you Erdah mix with those around you is dim lights and glamor personality Isolation .. To Ataatmlk and lasts only with the weak. To let fear .. Controls you and indulges in you and Atgolh friend Saduq all your positions He is a fatal disease with serious consequences for yourself showed courage and make your fear wherever you go Athashak And make friend Saduq is your strength Fear .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak. To let lie .. Smoke in your life Atgolh submerged and indulges Boqoalk .. It is a pest and disease if you become difficult for him to have been declared Aftiy honest with yourself first and then with others for that reason you lose the confidence of those around you Falczb .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak. To let failure .. Be a barrier between you and your success and Atgolh Ihbtk and stop your business .. Make him atom air transient Basrark and Azimtk Fbaloml and patience .. Sttaktah and you achievements failure .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak To let the vacuum .. Dominates and possesses every time he calls deadly to do things for your soul And calls to commit عظائم Almahramtaat, and have reason to diaspora thoughts Fathashah fill your time something useful for yourself and do not leave an opportunity for him to invasion for most of your time Valfrag .. To Aeetmlk and lasts only with the weak. نديم ، الحب ، برنامج ، تحميل ، دليل ، مسلسل ، انشوده ، جديد ، كامل المنتديات للبيع : للتواصل واتساب 967772204567+ | |