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 Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison

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نديم الحب

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Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison Y2zhx101 / 1001 / 100Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison Y2zhx10

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المزاج : Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison D2ea2811
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مُساهمةموضوع: Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison   Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 09, 2012 9:54 am

Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison

When conditions Tdahemena life ..

When conditions Tdahemena life ..

* To Athzn;
Because sadness Lyric water albumin Alqamah;
Rose cartoonist. . And the desert garden. . And life
Unbearable prison. .!

When conditions Tdahemena life
When conditions Tdahemena life
When conditions Tdahemena life

Say that we were able to forget, and as soon as they pass us position
Or hear their names called out by others ..

When conditions Tdahemena life P
We can not escape them in the search for solutions!!
When we narrows the vast horizon, and we feel that this world and like the eye of a needle or more accurately,
When we fail to deal with the stages of our lives changes,
When Antguen to deal properly with the evils that should be,
((Only then))'' ..
Raise palms one الضرآعة Almighty, and diagnose sight in Anain the clouds, then we know that we are not alone''

No man can never stop dreaming! P Dream "Soul Food",
The body diet foods ..
See often disappointed dreams,
And our desires frustrated, but must continue to dream and only ..
Spirit in us died;;
* Paulo Coelho''

** And I kept looking for hope .. Yes fumbled here and there fell and found a couple of times,
And still light waving me the horizon''
Not dim .. No fading .. Still exists
Although nights sad and gloomy mornings!
Hope remains asleep somewhere ..
Within us .. Waiting and waiting .. Hope is hoped that Noukza
The only hope life .. | |

Asked one of the English newspapers question:
What money? The answer was, who won the prize
"Money global passport, owner can travel to each country,
Except the sky and he brings everything except happiness "

«= Clear napkin ~ ● hope ● ~ Dmaہ despair
And making fun of events ° ~ Time ~ ° Baptsamہ =

I like that the human face .. This life
And on his lips, "Basma
Translated for open-mindedness, and tolerance of creation, and capacity
Probability Basma believes in God instead of all profits
In the upcoming meeting, Salwa all missing "
* Mohammed al-Ghazali''

"We did not take the minimum covenant on that Tsvolna ..!!
It was not us and them documented on prosperity Time!!
P carefree still inherent to humans,
And crises we Taatray between Iqbal / retreat ..
And Abakyaloml (God) the sun never sets,
And an inexhaustible wellspring net ... "

But life misery and Hinaoviha tolerate evil scourge
And thank the Lord for giving remain lost in the streets and Ntosro in us the spirit of do not give up
We carry dreams too big to carry
It is in every day becomes larger and larger
Our dreams seem as imagination sometimes and look the fact that at other times
Our dreams Q become a reality, God willing, some of hope''

{.. Not life Bstohaa but Bkhvayaha, nor visuals قشورها but Bulbabha, not people by their faces, but their hearts ..
Khalil Gibran

No one denies that the ships be safe which is anchored in its facilities, but inevitably
Not made to remain stagnant
On the beach!!

‫ while meditating narrow the breadth Alsmeodrick vanish! Smiled!!
... Because I am confident that the "sadness"
Plague! And Allah if I like people; ابتلاهم
He smiled ..

,, ĎăĘă Bsaaadh to Atfaariqkm''

نديم ، الحب ، برنامج ، تحميل ، دليل ، مسلسل ، انشوده ، جديد ، كامل

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Rose cartoonist and barren desert garden and unbearable life in prison
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