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 Noble Quran English - Sahih International

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
نديم الحب
مــؤسس المــوقع

مــؤسس المــوقع
نديم الحب

::::[بيـانـات العضـو]::: :
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مَُشَارِكآتي : 15151
ألعمــُـر : 35
نَقَّاطَيّ : 19321
سَمِعَتيََ : 143
ألقــسم ألمفــُضل : الاسلامي
دولـتـي : اليمن
جـنســي : ذكر
العمل : طالب
الهواية : الرياضه
المزاج : Noble Quran English - Sahih International D2ea2811
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القران الكريم بالانجليزية انترناشيونال - العالميه
Noble Quran English - Sahih International
Noble Quran English - Sahih International Pdf
Noble Quran English - Sahih International pdf

1- Sorah Al-Fatihah ( The Opening )

2- Sorah Al-Baqarah ( The Cow )

3- Sorah Al-Imran ( The Famiy of Imran )

4- Sorah An-Nisa ( The Women )

5- Sorah Al-Maidah ( The Table spread with Food )

6- Sorah Al-An'am ( The Cattle )

7- Sorah Al-A'raf (The Heights )

8- Sorah Al-Anfal ( The Spoils of War )

9- Sorah At-Taubah ( The Repentance )

10- Sorah Yunus ( Jonah )

11- Sorah Hud

12- Sorah Yusuf (Joseph )

13- Sorah Ar-Ra'd ( The Thunder )

14- Sorah Ibrahim ( Abraham )

15- Sorah Al-Hijr ( The Rocky Tract )

16- Sorah An-Nahl ( The Bees )

17- Sorah Al-Isra ( The Night Journey )

18- Sorah Al-Kahf ( The Cave )

19- Sorah Maryam ( Mary )

20- Sorah Taha

21- Sorah Al-Anbiya ( The Prophets )

22- Sorah Al-Hajj ( The Pilgrimage )

23- Sorah Al-Mu'minoon ( The Believers )

24- Sorah An-Noor ( The Light )

25- Sorah Al-Furqan (The Criterion )

26- Sorah Ash-Shuara ( The Poets )

27- Sorah An-Naml (The Ants )

28- Sorah Al-Qasas ( The Stories )

29- Sorah Al-Ankaboot ( The Spider )

30- Sorah Ar-Room ( The Romans )

31- Sorah Luqman

32- Sorah As-Sajdah ( The Prostration )

33- Sorah Al-Ahzab ( The Combined Forces )

34- Sorah Saba ( Sheba )

35- Sorah Fatir ( The Orignator )

36- Sorah Ya-seen

37- Sorah As-Saaffat ( Those Ranges in Ranks )

38- Sorah Sad ( The Letter Sad )

39- Sorah Az-Zumar ( The Groups )

40- Sorah Ghafir ( The Forgiver God )

41- Sorah Fussilat ( Explained in Detail )

42- Sorah Ash-Shura (Consultation )

43- Sorah Az-Zukhruf ( The Gold Adornment )

44- Sorah Ad-Dukhan ( The Smoke )

45- Sorah Al-Jathiya ( Crouching )

46- Sorah Al-Ahqaf ( The Curved Sand-hills )

47- Sorah Muhammad

48- Sorah Al-Fath ( The Victory )

49- Sorah Al-Hujurat ( The Dwellings )

50- Sorah Qaf ( The Letter Qaf )

51- Sorah Adh-Dhariyat ( The Wind that Scatter )

52- Sorah At-Tur ( The Mount )

53- Sorah An-Najm ( The Star )

54- Sorah Al-Qamar ( The Moon )

55- Sorah Ar-Rahman ( The Most Graciouse )

56- Sorah Al-Waqi'ah ( The Event )

57- Sorah Al-Hadid ( The Iron )

58- Sorah Al-Mujadilah ( She That Disputeth )

59- Sorah Al-Hashr ( The Gathering )

60- Sorah Al-Mumtahanah ( The Woman to be examined )

61- Sorah As-Saff ( The Row )

62- Sorah Al-Jumu'ah ( Friday )

63- Sorah Al-Munafiqoon ( The Hypocrites )

64- Sorah At-Taghabun ( Mutual Loss & Gain )

65- Sorah At-Talaq ( The Divorce )

66- Sorah At-Tahrim ( The Prohibition )

67- Sorah Al-Mulk ( Dominion )

68- Sorah Al-Qalam ( The Pen )

69- Sorah Al-Haaqqah ( The Inevitable )

70- Sorah Al-Ma'arij (The Ways of Ascent )

71- Sorah Nooh

72- Sorah Al-Jinn ( The Jinn )

73- Sorah Al-Muzzammil (The One wrapped in Garments)

74- Sorah Al-Muddaththir ( The One Enveloped )

75- Sorah Al-Qiyamah ( The Resurrection )

76- Sorah Al-Insan ( Man )

77- Sorah Al-Mursalat ( Those sent forth )

78- Sorah An-Naba' ( The Great News )

79- Sorah An-Nazi'at ( Those who Pull Out )

80- Sorah Abasa ( He frowned )

81- Sorah At-Takwir ( The Overthrowing )

82- Sorah Al-Infitar ( The Cleaving )

83- Sorah Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud)

84- Sorah Al-Inshiqaq (The Splitting Asunder)

85- Sorah Al-Burooj ( The Big Stars )

86- Sorah At-Tariq ( The Night-Comer )

87- Sorah Al-A'la ( The Most High )

88- Sorah Al-Ghashiya ( The Overwhelming )

89- Sorah Al-Fajr ( The Dawn )

90- Sorah Al-Balad ( The City )

91- Sorah Ash-Shams ( The Sun )

92- Sorah Al-Layl ( The Night )

93- Sorah Ad-Dhuha ( The Forenoon )

94- Sorah As-Sharh ( The Opening Forth)

95- Sorah At-Tin ( The Fig )

96- Sorah Al-'alaq ( The Clot )

97- Sorah Al-Qadr ( The Night of Decree )

98- Sorah Al-Bayyinah ( The Clear Evidence )

99- Sorah Az-Zalzalah ( The Earthquake )

100- Sorah Al-'adiyat ( Those That Run )

101- Sorah Al-Qari'ah ( The Striking Hour )

102- Sorah At-Takathur ( The piling Up )

103- Sorah Al-Asr ( The Time )

104- Sorah Al-Humazah ( The Slanderer )

105- Sorah Al-Fil ( The Elephant )

106- Sorah Quraish

107- Sorah Al-Ma'un ( Small Kindnesses )

108- Sorah Al-Kauther ( A River in Paradise)

109- Sorah Al-Kafiroon ( The Disbelievers )

110- Sorah An-Nasr ( The Help )

111- Sorah Al-Masad ( The Palm Fibre )

112- Sorah Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

113- Sorah Al-Falaq ( The Daybreak )

114- Sorah An-Nas ( Mankind )

نديم ، الحب ، برنامج ، تحميل ، دليل ، مسلسل ، انشوده ، جديد ، كامل

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