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 Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications

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Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications Y2zhx101 / 1001 / 100Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications Y2zhx10

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Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications   Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications I_icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 16, 2011 11:42 am

Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications
Gossip and meaning and motive and their implications

Peace, mercy and blessings of God


Definition: speech is to transfer between two parties for the purpose of corruption.

The rule of gossip:

of the Muslims are forbidden to have pretended to be forbidden clear
evidence of the Qur'aan and Sunnah and the consensus of the nation is a
major sin.

you see yourself from hurting your brother or your sister in God's
alibi or insult or advice or lying, or is this, learn your faith that
you are weak and imperfect faith, if faith was fully straight about what
I did what I did from the injustice of your brother.

the distinction between people, Restless Heart, shame on the carrier
and the listener, bringing to spy to learn the news of people, carrying
on the murder, and on the livelihood of people,

What do we do if we heard the people seeking the gossip?

to sit with them; to the words of God Almighty: and if you see those
who meddle with Our revelations, withdraw from them until they engage in
a talk other Incenk or the devil can not sit after recollection with
the unjust people.

Almighty said: have you got in the book that when you hear the Verses
of Allaah being denied and then sit not with them until they engage in a
talk other if you like them.

the Prophet peace be upon him: that you saw evil let him change it with
his hand if he can not not, then with his heart and that is the weakest
of faith. (Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh.


Stated in the hadeeth: "Do not enter Paradise gossip," narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.

The Almighty said: (in the verses. Interpretation of the meaning) (Al-Qalam: 10,11)

Stirrer doom does not get a mercy to the people who is in them.

of the reasons that require the punishment of the grave was narrated
from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace
be upon him over the two graves and said they were being punished and
tortured in a big, and then said "Yes, if one of them did not protect
himself from his own urine and the other was walking gossip Agreed.

an interview with Ahmad: "Servants of Allah Sharar Almchaion gossip
differentiators between loved ones Albagon to have nothing wrong."

is a man with two faces matched to each of the generally treat them, he
is a chameleon colored according to the position that he wants the
Prophet has warned of such people, he said: ((find the evil people on
the Day of Resurrection, when Allah, a duplex that comes of these
general and particularly those ((

Muslim brothers: one had a face, where with a tongue and one does not
speak only to the satisfaction of the Lord Almighty.

Examples of gossip:

says: The person you such and such a hate you and loves you and whether
this speech by saying or writing or a symbol or gestures, and so to
speak is not correct sometimes but it is true may not also move because
this is gossip and HTC Jackets what hates detected, from you and from you as it was said.

Things that help to gossip:

The forcing people to gossip ulterior motives, including:

- ignorance of some of the sanctity of gossip and it is a major sin and
that it leads to a terrible evil and differentiate between loved ones.

2 - What in the breath of Gul and envy.

3 - keep up Algelads and complaisant and pacify them and the will of the rhythm reflects badly on him.

4 - dystrophic and wanted to know the secrets and Altafrs Vinm in people's lives for so and so and so disgraced cover.

Of the attributes of stirrer:

He says: "Not even the verses Manna interpretation of the meaning of good, transgressor, malefactor porters, intrusive.

It is ready with many NATO alliance but not a lot a person is aware
that honest people do not trust him Ikzbonh Faihlv a ploy to cover up
his lies and draws in people's confidence.

it is shameful that does not respect himself and respect the people in
saying, and verse Mhanth need to NATO, and the status of psychological
humiliation attached to lying for a man even if he is possessed of
wealth and prestige.

Third: it Hmaz spur people and Ieibhm word and the reference in the presence or in Gepthm alike.

it slanders? Walks among the people, including spoil their hearts and
prayers go and go Bmodthm is to create obnoxious does not offer it only
as spoiled edition of Hunt himself.

Fifth: it prevents the Manna for the best good for himself and others.

VI: any aggressor that overflows to the right and justice at all.

G: it deals with the taboo and sinful commit sins until it meets the description fixed his lieutenant liar.

Eighth: It is a recipe porters gathered qualities of cruelty and Incivility is a hate figure is unacceptable.

Ninth: It is intrusive and this conclusion is evil qualities like abuse not safe from the evil of his tongue one.

Treatment of gossip:

educating stirrer seriousness of gossip, so the above verses, Hadiths
and governance, and discourage them status as the wife of Lot, which
were showing folk debauchery, Fzbha God as tortured.

duty of the listener not to believe gossip; because the stirrer and
adulterous womanizer return the certificate, the Almighty said: (O ye
who believe come to punk news, verify that harm people in ignorance and
afterward repent of what ye did) (Al rooms: 6) as well as he should
advise him standing enjoin what is good and
forbidding what is evil, and hates him for God's sake; because he hated
God and people, and not to think worse of someone who quoted his words,
God says: (O ye who believe they avoid a lot of thinking to think that
some of the sin) (Al-rooms (

control his tongue for all the talk but talk show interest in it, and
when ripe, speech and left him in interest, the Sunnis hold him, because
he had dragged speech is permissible to "haram" or hated it, but this
is too much and most often in the talk agreed on his health, said peace
be upon him: ( (Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or remain silent ((

Shafi'i said: If he wanted to speak, he should think before the words
appeared stakeholders spoke in doubt, although did not speak until it

What does the guy who tags recipe gossip, God forbid? And how to get rid of them?

That is running his tongue and his remembrance of Allah and what works and remembers things:

First: it has been subjected to the wrath of God and his abhorrence and punishment.

Second: knowing the great corrupting the hearts and the risk of Haith in separate loved ones, the demolition of houses.

Third: to remember the verses and hadiths contained and confined him to his tongue.

Fourth: it is to spread love between Muslims and said Mhanohm.

Fifth: to know that if he kept his tongue was the cause of entering paradise.

Sixth: As you think of people belong to God and his genitalia exposed, even in the depths of his house.

Seventh: The camaraderie was good that guide him to do good and be good boards and councils said.

VIII: To be sure that those who speak them and betrays them today are _khasmawh the Day of Resurrection.

IX: to remember the death and the short life and near-term and speed the transition to the Hereafter.

Story in the gossip:

a man sold him the gift to the buyer, he said: It is not a blemish, but
it gossip, Fastkhvh buyer Vachtrah defect that the boy stayed with him
for days and then said the wife of his master: if your husband does not
love you he wants to Itsry you, Ovtreden sympathetic to you? She
said: "Yes, he said to her: Take a razor and shave hairs from the soles
of his beard if he sleeps, and then came to the husband, and said:"
Your wife has taken the authors a Qatltk Do you want to be clear to you
that. He
said: Yes, he said: Vtnawm her, Vtnawm man, came with his wife to fly
hairs with a razor, he thought her husband she wanted to kill him, which
took the razor and killed her, came and killed him, their guardians,
and parents came and men fighting took place between the two teams.

you see how what makes gossip claimed the life of a man and his wife
and caused between relatives Almguetlp This is the action of a two-sided

Hafiz said: 10/472

combination of the isthmus that Al_khaslten Introduction Hereafter, and
spent the first day the resurrection of the rights of God and prayer,
the rights of others blood. The
key to prayer is purification of the slag and the key to blood
backbiting and gossip among the people seeking the deployment of the
tribulations that have shed blood because of it.

Sources: From:

Site Shaykh Ibn Baaz, may Allah have mercy on him:

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