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معلومات واضافات Groups forum Nadim Love:
| موضوع: برنامج CoffeeCup Sitemapper 5.0 لأرشفة المواقع ورفع البيج رانك والباك لينك ونشر المواضيع الأربعاء يناير 12, 2011 3:45 pm | |
| برنامج CoffeeCup Sitemapper 5.0 لأرشفة المواقع ورفع البيج رانك والباك لينك ونشر المواضيع موقع،منتدى،شرح،بالصور،طريقه،كيفيه،عمل،تصميم،خريطه،ارشفه،تقويه،تفعيل،خلال،البيج،رانك ،الباك،لينك،الروابط،الخارجيه،الداخليه،ارسال،عضو،زائر،زوار،الاف،طرق،اقوى،افضل،اجمد،احسن جلب،رفع،اسباب،سبب،تراجع،نقص،المواضيع،محركات،البحث،قوقل،ياهو،ام ،اس،ان،ماسنجر،هوتميل فيسبوك،تويتر،اليمن،السعوديه،مصر،مدونه،التغذيه،نشر،اشهار،موقعي،على، Site, forum, explain, pictures, the way, how to, business, design, map, archive, enhance, activate, through, Beige, PR , Pak, Linksys, links, Foreign Affairs, Interior, send, member, visitor, visitors, thousands, of ways, stronger, better, Ajmd, the best Bring, lift, reasons, reason, decline, shortages, themes, engines, search, google, yahoo, M, S, said, Messenger, Hotmail Facebook, Twitter, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Blog, Nutrition, publishing, publicity, my, on, برنامج CoffeeCup Sitemapper 5.0 لأرشفة المواقعمن أقوى البرامج المساعدة في أرشفة المواقع والمنتديات وإليكم الشرح باللغة الإنكليزية:Sitemapper makes it incredibly easy to create a sitemap. Just enter your Website URL, click a button, and then sit back while Sitemapper takes care of all the rest. It’s powered by a similar spider as the ones used by the popular search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing to crawl your Website. Not only does it compile a comprehensive sitemap, it also gives you an idea of the “crawlability” of your site. And when it’s done scanning, you can customize the results, set priority and change frequency for your pages, adjust page colors, and more. Once you’re done making your changes, uploading is simple: With a click of a button, your sitemap is published. Submitting it to search engines is just as easy. We’ve included built-in links to the major search engines, so all you have to do is click your mouse, and you’re on the way to better search engine visibility. Some Features of Sitemapper * When you make a sitemap, your search engine ranking will thank you. That’s because search engine spiders have an easier time of indexing Websites with comprehensive sitemaps.* Got files or folders you don't want to include in your sitemap? No problem — it’s easy to tell Google Sitemapper to ignore them.* Built-in uploading lets you publish your sitemap to your server from inside the program.* Fresher search results on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.* Sitemapper automatically generates page names from title tags.* Change the look and feel of your sitemap with the point-and-click color palette.* Easily preview your sitemap in your default browser from inside the program.* Include .html, .php, and .asp pages as well as any other file extensions.* Add cool icons to your sitemaps for a touch of flair.* The built-in scheduler automatically updates your sitemap.* Creates HTML and XML files for uploading and submission. لتحميل البرنامج
من هنا او او من هنا موقع،منتدى،شرح،بالصور،طريقه،كيفيه،عمل،تصميم،خريطه،ارشفه،تقويه،تفعيل،خلال،البيج،رانك ،الباك،لينك،الروابط،الخارجيه،الداخليه،ارسال،عضو،زائر،زوار،الاف،طرق،اقوى،افضل،اجمد،احسن جلب،رفع،اسباب،سبب،تراجع،نقص،المواضيع،محركات،البحث،قوقل،ياهو،ام ،اس،ان،ماسنجر،هوتميل فيسبوك،تويتر،اليمن،السعوديه،مصر،مدونه،التغذيه،نشر،اشهار،موقعي،على، Site, forum, explain, pictures, the way, how to, business, design, map, archive, enhance, activate, through, Beige, PR , Pak, Linksys, links, Foreign Affairs, Interior, send, member, visitor, visitors, thousands, of ways, stronger, better, Ajmd, the best Bring, lift, reasons, reason, decline, shortages, themes, engines, search, google, yahoo, M, S, said, Messenger, Hotmail Facebook, Twitter, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Blog, Nutrition, publishing, publicity, my, on,
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